The Japanese Odyssey

An ultracycling adventure across Japan

Women(*) Wanted

In 2018, we have had our first woman to enter the Japanese Odyssey. Since then, women have signed up for every new edition. We are happy to see that happening, but there is still a big gap with male participation.

So, we have decided to invite two women (*) and offer them the registration fee.
Of course, we realize that this is primarily a symbolic gesture, but we like to think that it help getting that ball rolling.

We are therefore offering two participants, one living in Japan, the other outside the archipelago, their registration fees, as well as the rental of the satellite tracker and the transfer of their bikecases from Kagoshima to Matsumoto.

If you’re sure you’d like to take part in TJO 2025, if you’re hesitating, or if you haven’t thought about it for a second, send us an e-mail with a short text introducing yourself.
Caroline, a mutual friend of ours, will read your texts. Among other things, she is a bike messenger, has two cats and practices Muay Thaï. She will decide which two women (*) will wear caps 1 and 2 in the 2025 edition.

Tell her about yourself, about your practice of the bike,about the books that moved you, the chocolate you like, the color of your socks. Tell her about your children, or your mother you are taking care of. Let her know if this invitation could make the difference in your decision.

There is a catch, you will have to act fast.
For logistics reasons, we would need your application before March 24th, 2025.

The two participants will be notified at the end of the month, just before registration officially opens.

(*) We actually would like to extend this offer to transgender and non-binary people.
We intend the Japanese Odyssey to be an event for all people, we uphold values of respect and inclusion. Whoever you are, we want you to feel safe registering for the Japanese Odyssey.